My Music

Jazz Vocalist, Carol Luckenbach, with her elegant and very personal style, brings fresh interpretations of vintage tunes and rarely heard gems to her loyal audience. A regular artist at the former Empire Plush room, Carol developed an intimate and sensual sound that transports her listeners back in time. Carol has been performing in the bay area for over a decade and is accompanied by the best of the best. In her own words, Carol states ‘I have been blessed to work with the “best of the best” as evidenced by the musicianship on her newly released CD “the Sighs of Love” the incredibly talented Ken Muir on piano – my musical director, arrangement collaborator and friend, the legendary Dean Reilly on bass and pocket trumpet, and the renowned Donald “Duck” Bailey on drums and blues harmonica, joined in creating the perfect backdrop for “telling the story”.  Ken and Carol have worked through the years to develop arrangements that give insight and an often “tongue in cheek” view of some of the most well known songs.

For more visit my music page here.